Sewage Treatment and Wastewater Reuse
Islands face many challenges: Managing wastewater from residences, municipalities and businesses is one of the biggest challenges as many island communities have limited infrastructure and minimal on-island wastewater treatment systems. Many islands view wastewater as a problem but do not have the financial resources to build costly centralized treatment systems.
Facts about the Caribbean and the need for Wastewater Reuse technology
It is estimated that by 2025 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity and two thirds of the world population could be under conditions of water stress
Wastewater Reuse can meet up to 38% of the total needs of Islands in the Caribbean
Tourism accounts for a large part of the water consumption in Islands, especially in the Caribbean, up to 2.5 times the per night consumption rate of the domestic population
In the Caribbean the average water usage per guest night in hotels is 825 liters
Demand for water by hotels, ships and golf courses is approximately one-third of the domestic demand
The importance of wastewater reuse in islands is influenced by the availability, type, and cost of existing water supplies
As Potable water prices on islands continue to increase, wastewater reuse becomes the only real economic option to alleviate the growing demand for usable water
The cost of full wastewater treatment for islands in the Caribbean ranges from 25% to 119% of annual GDP
Low-Cost, low-maintenance wastewater treatment technologies at the household level could provide a sustainable resource for irrigation of lawns and gardens
Wastewater reuse is a growing solution on islands, but cost effective, easy-to-operate solutions are missing in the market place
85% of untreated wastewater is discharged into seas, rivers and bays
Discharge of improperly treated wastewater effluent is one of the main contributors to coastal zone degradation on islands
IMET views sewage and wastewater as an opportunity. IMET "drop in" technology is designed to treat wastewater at the source, in existing infrastructure like septic tanks, grease interceptors, lift stations, collection ponds, holding tanks, as well as strained or failing wastewater treatment plants.

IMET modular technology enables:
Cost-effective onsite treatment for water reuse
Decrease in Energy costs
Decrease in Water costs
Decrease reliance on importing water
Decrease reliance on desalinazation as a fresh water resource
Ability to "drop in" to existing infrastructure
Water reuse as grey water
Water reuse as potable water when paired with off the shelf technologies
Odor elimination
Capacity Increase of existing infrastructure
Minimize discharge to oceans, seas, bays and other waterway
Elimination of grease balls
Decrease in maintenance costs on wastewater treatment systems